Friday, May 29, 2015

Slogging through the rain, but the forms are in...

Forms.  Not to be confused with "framing".  In this part of Texas, we build on "slab" foundations, as our water table is quite high and basements are not possible.  By "slab" I mean that the concrete (after installing rebar and utilities) is poured directly onto the ground and filling up its "form".  This is why building the pad is so critical because it must be level for the foundation.  Before the utilities and rebar are put in place, a formal survey must be taken of the forms to ensure the placement of the house and associated buildings do not violate any right-of-way rules for the property.

In the following pictures, I show different aspects of our pad and forms.  The entire pad will not be covered in cement, only the portions where there will be a structure.  The completion of the forms is a prelude to getting utilities (plumbing and electrical conduit) installed, as well as the rebar, which will give the foundations both flexibility and strength.  Within 24 to 48 hours of the concrete being poured, framing (putting up the 'sticks' for the walls and roof) can begin.

From the road, one can see the breadth of 
the forms -- over 140 feet
A picture shot across the front porch, conservatory, 
kitchen, lanai, to the casita

A shot from the outside of the master bedroom to the casita
(note the graded slope of the pad toward the woods)
This is shot from the Great Room 
at the center point of our 
14-foot picture window

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